We host seminars, workshops and informal meetings

We host an informal seminar on most Fridays

Friday fun!

Simula UiB has an informal seminar on most Fridays. We meet in Wolf (our biggest meeting room) or digitally.

Join us by sending mail to Åsfrid (aasfrid@simula.no)!


2:30 pm
HiB, Store Aud

PhD defence: Nicolas Costes

Title of the thesis: Exploiting Redundant Designs with Side-Channel Attacks
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar

Presentation by Sujash Naskar of the paper "A Scheme for Distributed Vehicle Authentication and Revocation in Decentralized VANETs"
10:00 am
Simula UiB Office

Trial Lecture: Coding for Flash Memories: State-of-the-art and Challenges

Trial lecture by Issam Maarouf on Coding for Flash Memories: State-of-the-art and Challenges
2:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Trial Lecture: Secure Randomness Generation

Trial lecture by Nicolas Costes on Secure Randomness Generation
1:30 pm
Simula UiB Office

Quantum cyber security

How tomorrow’s quantum revolution is affecting today’s cyber security. In collaboration with NCE Finance Innovation.
11:30 am

Friday seminar: Quantum Error Correction from a Classical-Friendly World-View

In this talk, we will give a gentle introduction to one of the well-known families of quantum error-correcting codes, the quantum stabilizer codes, which have been developed since 1990 by Shor, Laflamme, and Gottesman, among others.
Simula UiB Office

Trial lecture: Authenticated Key Exchange

Trial lecture by Hans Heum
1:00 pm
Nash aud, VilVite

PhD defence: Roberto Parisella

Title of thesis: "On a New, Efficient Framework for Falsifiable Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments"
2:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Trial lecture: Kolmogorov complexity and cryptography

Trial lecture by Roberto Parisella
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Sudokurity – a summer intern project

by Maiara & Carlo
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: A New Algebraic Approach to the Regular Syndrome Decoding Problem and Implications for PCG Constructions

by Morten Øygarden
All over the world

Celebrating Women’s day 2023!

Want to get to know what our female scientist are up to and their background? Read the interviews in relation to this years celebration of Women's day
1:00 pm

Trial lecture: Swarm Learning

Trial lecture by Reent Schlegel on Swarm Learning.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Decoding and constructions of codes in rank and Hamming metric

Seminar by Wrya Karim Kadir
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: The foundations of PAC learning

Seminar by Roberto Parisella
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Lightweight, Realtime Solutions to the Privacy and Security Issues in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV)

Seminar by Sujash Naskar (visiting PhD student)
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Concatenated Codes for Multiple Reads of a DNA Sequence

Seminar by Issam Maarouf
2:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Counting Vampires: From Univariate Sumcheck to Updatable ZK-SNARK

Seminar by Janno Siim
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Estimating the key-recovery vulnerability of side-channel attacks using mutual information

Seminar by Sigurd Jordal
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Pincer Side-Channel Attack on SKINNY: Slow Diffusion Considered Harmful

Seminar by Nicolas Costes
 – 23.10.2022
Media City Bergen

CBDC event – conference & hackaton

Norges Bank, Simula UiB and the University of Bergen are organising a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) event in Bergen, Norway, on 21-23 Oct 2022.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Private Information Retrieval and Function Computation from Coded Databases

Seminar by Sarah Obead
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Trial lecture: Fully homomorphic encryption

Trial lecture by Arne Tobias Ødegaard on Fully homomorphic encryption
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Counting rational points on weighted projective spaces over number fields

Seminar by Irati Manterola Ayala (Simula UiB)
3:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

PhD Defence: Albin Severinson

Title of the thesis: Straggler-Resilient Distributed Computing
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Key Exchange for Unmanned Systems Multidomain Interoperability

Seminar by Chris Britt and Andre Leon (Dr. Hales students)
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: An Investigation of Post-Quantum Hybrids

Seminar by Dr. Britta Hale. Join us by pressing the link.
4:15 pm

Simula UiB’s math olympiad!

Are you into math and/or cyber security in general? Join us at our math olympiad! There will be pizza and prizes and an opportunity for you to hear more about how math can lead to cryptography and information theory.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Trial Lecture: Centralized Versus Decentralized Learning

Trial lecture by Albin Severinson on Centralized Versus Decentralized Learning: Pros and Cons
10:15 am
Store auditoriet

PhD Defence: Martha Norberg Hovd

Title of thesis: "Studies on the Security of Selected Advanced Asymmetric Cryptographic Primitives"
11:00 am
Simula UiB Office

Trial Lecture: Deep Learning in Side Channel Analysis

Trial lecture by Martha Norberg Hovd on Deep Learning in Side Channel Analysis.
1:30 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: How to make a security notion

Seminar by Hans Heum.
10:00 am
Simula UiB Office

PhD Defence: John Petter Indrøy

Join us when John Petter Indrøy is defending his PhD thesis. You can either join on Zoom by pressing the link, or come to our office.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Coding for wiretap channel

Seminar by Øyvind Ytrehus.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Seminar: Visualising side channel attacks

Seminar by Sigurd Jordal.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Fiat-Shamir transform, from heuristic to formal

Seminar by Roberto Parisella.
10:00 am
Simula UiB Office

In-house workshop on Zero knowledge, PIR, Side channel attacks & Lattices

In-house mid-year workshop in order to identify topics on which we would benefit from a cross-group collaboration
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Gröbner Bases and Their Application to Polynomial System Solving in Cryptography

Seminar by Morten Øygarden.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: The zodiac killer cipher

Seminar by Håvard Raddum.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Data Compression for Dummies

Seminar by Yauhen Yakimenka.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: The CELL CPU, a piece of computer history

Seminar by Nicolas Costes.
1:00 pm
Simula UiB Office

Friday seminar: Lattice problems in a nutshell

Seminar by Maiara Bollauf.
 – 31.08.2017
Vihula Manor, EE

5th International Castle Meeting

Meeting on coding theory and applications. Øyvind Ytrehus and Ángela I. Barbero were co-chairs.
 – 19.05.2017
Stockholm, SE

Institut Mittag-Leffler

Workshop in Information Theory and Coding Theory with Applications to Data Security and Privacy. Eirik Rosnes, Siddhartha Kumar, and Øyvind Ytrehus from Simula UiB gave talks.
 – 11.05.2017
Finse, NO

Finse Winter School 2017

Research School in Computer and Information Security. Financed by the COINS network. Håvard Raddum, Kjell Jørgen Hole, and Mohsen Toorani from Simula UiB gave short courses.
 – 22.07.2016
Longyearbyen, NO

Arctic Crypt 2016

Nearly 80 researchers and PhD students attended the conference. Ronald R. Rivest, Adi Shamir, Thomas Johansson, Willi Meier, Dan Bernstein, Joan Daemen, Eike Kiltz, Tanja Lange, Christian Rechberger, and Gregor Leander gave invited tutorial talks. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences.