
Team members
All current students
Former MSc students
Former PhD students
PhD student

Alessandro Melloni

Privacy, Tor, Protocols

Senior Administrative Officer

Åsfrid Persson

HR, recruitment and events

PhD student

Atharva Phanse

Symmetric-key cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Implementation


Carlos Cid

Symmetric-key design and analysis, Quantum/post-quantum cryptography, Secure computation

PhD student

Chung-Wei Weng

Millimeter wave 5G networks, Deep learning, Image processing, Privacy-preserving technologies

Head of Information theory dep.

Eirik Rosnes

Information-theoretic privacy and security, quantum error-correction, distributed machine learning

Master student

Hans Trygve Rørlien

Chief Research Scientist

Håvard Raddum

Cryptanalysis, MQ problem, SVP problem, FHE

Senior Research Scientist

Hsuan-Yin Lin

Finite-Length Quantum Information Theory and Coding, Information-Theoretic Privacy and Physical Layer Security, Statistical Machine Learning

PhD student

Irati Manterola Ayala

Cryptanalysis, Symmetric cryptography, STAP primitives

Postdoctoral fellow

Janno Siim

Cryptographic protocols, provable security, zero-knowledge proofs, zk-SNARKs

Master student

Jonathan Kittikhun Ski

Master student

Katrine Logstein

Kuan-Yu Lin

Age of Information, machine learning, differential privacy, wireless communications. (Supervised in collaboration with National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

Master student

Laxmi Dhital

Master student

Maella Irebe Muganga

Postdoctoral Fellow

Martha Norberg Hovd

Homomorphic encryption, Security notions, Lattices

Head of Cryptography dep.

Martijn Stam

Cryptology, Cryptographic Engineering

PhD student

Mohamed Abdelmonem

Post-Quantum Cryptography, Lattice-Based Cryptography, Code-Based Cryptography, Fault Injection Attacks

Postdoctoral fellow

Morten Øygarden

Algebraic Cryptanalysis, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography

PhD student

Olai Åsmundson Mostad

Quantum error-correction, finite length quantum codes

Master student

Oskar Krystian Michalski

Research Director

Øyvind Ytrehus

Information Theory for Secure Communications, Coding theory, Cryptanalysis

Postdoctoral fellow

Pierre Briaud

Post-Quantum Cryptography, Algebraic Cryptanalysis

Postdoctoral fellow

Roberto Parisella

Pairing-based cryptography, Zero-Knowledge protocols

Master student

Safiya Adan Mahamood

Master student

Severin Ullavik Erstad

PhD student

Sigurd Jordal

Side-channel analysis, Applied Algebra

PhD student

Stian Husum

Side-Channel Analysis, Lightweight Ciphers, Graph Inference

PhD student

Tamás Havas

Quantum information theory, Applicable finite length codes, Achievability bounds

Master student

Ulrik Nedregotten

Eirik Rosnes

Head of Information theory dep.

Fredrik Manne

Professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen

Rachel Thomas

Director of the Simula Academy, Simula Research Laboratory

Inge Jonassen

Head of the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen

Lillian Røstad

Chair of the Board, CEO of Simula

Kateryna Pavlyk

Postdoctoral Fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, Started working at HVL

Mari Garaas Løchen

Deputy Director

Kjell Jørgen Hole

Chief Research Scientist

Helger Lipmaa

Chief Research Scientist

Hans Heum

PhD student
Former PhD student at Simula UiB, now Postdoctoral Fellow at NTNU

Nicolas Costes

PhD student
Former intern and PhD student at Simula UiB

Maiara Bollauf

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB

Yauhen Yakimenka

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, started working at NJIT as a Postdoctoral Fellow

Reent Schlegel

PhD student
Former master student and PhD student at Simula UiB (supervised in collaboration with Chalmers), started working at OHB digital services
Coding for distributed computing

Carlo Brunetta

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB

Wrya Karim Kadir

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, Started working at Aker Solutions

Sarah Obead

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, Started working at the University of Benghazi

Mohsen Toorani

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, started working at Lund University as Postdoctoral Fellow

Mithilesh Kumar

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB

Prastudy Fauzi

Postdoctoral fellow
Former Postdoctoral Fellow at Simula UiB, started working at Nanyang Technological University as a Research Fellow

Bjørn Møller Greve

PhD student
Former PhD student at Simula UiB, started working at Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt

Reent Schlegel

PhD student
Former master student and PhD student at Simula UiB (supervised in collaboration with Chalmers), started working at OHB digital services
Coding for distributed computing

Youjun Luo

Master student
Former master student at Simula UiB (supervised in collaboration with Chalmers)

Sebastian Kvamme

Master student
Former master student at Simula UiB, working at UiB

Tor Kristian Ellingsen

Master student
Former master student at Simula UiB

Han Wang

Former master student at Simula UiB (supervised in collaboration with Chalmers), started working at Ericsson
Coding for DNA-Based Storage

Erik Vetle Larsen

Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at Netsecurity AS

Markus Ragnhildstveit

Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at Sopra Steria

Anton Frigård

Former master student at Simula UiB (supervised in collaboration with Chalmers), started working at SIGMA Technology
Coding for mobile edge computing

Svetlana Halnes

Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at CGI

Kavita Bhamra

Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at Norwegian Tax Administration

Alexandre Vivmond

Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at Evry

Liv Ingunn Dornfest

Master student
Former master student at Simula UiB, started working at Mnemonic

Nicolas Costes

PhD student
Former intern and PhD student at Simula UiB

Kanav Gupta

Former intern at Simula UiB

Rune Reimertz

Former intern at Simula UiB

Ditlef Diseth

Former intern at Simula UiB, started working at Finn

Ashutosh Ahelleya

Former intern at Simula UiB

Gennaro Avitabile

Former intern at Simula UiB, started working at the University of Salerno as PhD student

Einar Hegge

Former intern at Simula UiB, started working at FFI

Asbjørn Olav Orvedal

Project assistant
Former intern at Simula UiB

Simen Lund Wærstad

Former intern at Simula UiB

Margrete Saugestad

Former intern at Simula UiB

Annika Torsvik

Former intern at Simula UiB

Kamma Tyse

Summer intern in Information theory

Karen Maria Dæhli

Summer intern in Information theory

Håvard Lilleheie

Summer intern in Cryptography

Johanne Krogholm Sand

Summer intern in Cryptography