Privacy preserving technologies
PhD defence: Nicolas Costes
Carlos Cid
symmetric-key design and analysis, quantum/post-quantum cryptography, secure computation
PhD student
Chung-Wei Weng
Millimeter wave 5G networks, Deep learning, Image processing, Privacy-preserving technologies
Head of Information theory dep.
Eirik Rosnes
Information-theoretic privacy and security, quantum error-correction, distributed machine learning
Master student
Hans Trygve Rørlien
Senior Research Scientist
Hsuan-Yin Lin
Finite-Length Quantum Information Theory and Coding, Information-Theoretic Privacy and Physical Layer Security, Statistical Machine Learning
Postdoctoral fellow
Janno Siim
Cryptographic protocols, provable security, zero-knowledge proofs, zk-SNARKs
Master student
Jonathan Kittikhun Ski
Master student
Katrine Logstein
Kuan-Yu Lin
Age of Information, machine learning, differential privacy, wireless communications. (Supervised in collaboration with National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Master student
Laxmi Dhital
Master student
Liv Ingunn Dornfest
Master student
Maella Irebe Muganga
PhD student
Mohamed Abdelmonem
Post-Quantum Cryptography, Lattice-Based Cryptography, Code-Based Cryptography, Fault Injection Attacks
Postdoctoral fellow
Morten Øygarden
Algebraic Cryptanalysis, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography
Master student
Oskar Krystian Michalski
Research Director
Øyvind Ytrehus
Information Theory for Secure Communications, Coding theory, Cryptanalysis
Master student
Severin Ullavik Erstad
PhD student
Tamás Havas
Quantum information theory, Applicable finite length codes, Achievability bounds